Friday, August 28, 2009

Check Out These URLs

This week, two URLs came to me from my SCBWI Listserve that are well-worth looking into.

The first one was shared by Barbara Beitz. It's a great site called Beyond Little House that's dedicated to the Little House books written by Laura Engalls Wilder. For fans of this classic series, this is a must-see. I adore these books, even though I never knew of them as a child. It wasn't until I took a children's literature class in college that I discovered them. So, check it out. You'll get all goose-bumpy and sentimental and leave feeling good inside.

The other URL was shared by Alexis O'Neill. This is is a must-read article for yet-to-be published writers regarding The Seven Biggest Myths of Publishing. I nodded my head through the whole article--"Uh-huh. Yep, been there, done that. Oh, how true!" Thanks to Anastasia Suen and Alexis for spreading the word about this one.

One last one I've been meaning to share comes from the website of Cynthia Leitich Smith. Cynthia has a section called, Kit Lit, where her cats have reviewed cat-themed picture books (for reals!). This is so clever and fun to read, especially if you're a cat lover.
