Friday, April 13, 2007

FRIDAY FUNNIES: Typo Nightmares

Mistakes happen in this business. I know, shocking, isn’t it? Even in a business where professionals obviously strive toward perfection (and I mean that in all sincerity), mistakes still happen. For example, I recently saw a book on with my name listed as a co-author. A book I'd never heard of and certainly hadn't contributed to in any way. I could see this was a simple mistake (a company I’m already published with—someone accidentally got the wrong name), but it got me to thinking about mistakes in our business.

If someone could make a mistake with an author's name, surely other mistakes could be made. What about book titles? What if a book title had a typo? How would that change the persona of that book? Here are a few examples I’ve come up with-- please feel free to exercise your own funny bone and post your own Typo Nightmares.

The Higher Power of Ducky
Walk Two Goons
Beauty and the Breast
The Earth, My Mutt and Other Big Round Things
The Fairy Queen
Goodfight Moon

You get the idea... Care to post?