Ahh...Saturday morning. A time for leisure and warming into the day. Well, for most people. Two days ago, my husband and I adopted another kitten (CocoaPuff’s brother). Now I have two kittens waking me up at 5:30 AM. So, after this morning’s wake-up call (or should I say purr), I did what any self-respecting writer would do--I got up, threw some kibbles in their food bowl, tossed a toy their way, then booted up my computer so I could work on my novel. It’s all about opportunity, right folks? Grab that writing time when you can (although I admit the wee dark hours of morning are my favorite time to write).
After writing, I treated myself to some "blog time." I just finished reading a few and was reminded of something Greg Pincus said on the subject. “Blogging is like attending an SCBWI conference from your home.” A wise man, that Gregory K.!
Reading other blogs doesn’t take that much time, but it puts me in touch with other kid-lit folks on many levels-- emotional, personal, professional and business. I feel like I’m not alone. I learn how other writers deal with things. I see a more personal side of editors and agents. In essence, it's another way to connect me to the humanity of writing. Just like attending a conference. Only this happens as often as I choose, and I get to wear my bunny slippers and jammies!
So, the next time you warm into your day, read a blog or two or three! It’s a great way to start your morning.